Overview DBaaS CLI Overview Overview Helm Chart

Overview - K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI

K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI (Command Line Interface) makes it easy to build a K2HDKC cluster as DBaaS(Database as a Service) within a kubernetes cluster.

K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI Overview

All construction and operation of K2HDKC cluster and K2HR3 system as K2HDKC DBaaS can be executed from K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI.

The K2HR3 system required for K2HDKC DBaaS must be built in a kubernetes cluster.
First of all, build a K2HR3 system in a kubernetes cluster.
This operation is easy to do using the K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI.
K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI allows you to build and delete K2HR3 systems in your kubernetes cluster.

Use the built K2HR3 system to build and delete the K2HDKC cluster.
K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI can be used to scale in/out server nodes to a K2HDKC cluster.
You can scale in/out slave nodes that connect to the built K2HDKC cluster in the same way.
Automatic configuration and automatic data merging are supported as these operations increase or decrease the number of nodes in the K2HDKC cluster.

Below is a rough description of the K2HDKC DBaaS system using the K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI.

kubernetes control plane

K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI uses kube-apiserver of Control Plane in kubernetes cluster.
K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI can work with existing your kubernetes clusters.

At this time, the kubernetes cluster authentication system only supports OpenID Connect.

K2HR3 system

Similar to K2HDKC DBaaS which works with OpenStack, this type requires the K2HR3 system which is one of the AntPickax products.
K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI manipulates K2HR3 system and kubernetes resources to realize K2HDKC DBaaS function.

This K2HR3 system must be in a same kubernetes cluster that builds K2HDKC DBaaS.

You can build the K2HR3 system required by K2HDKC DBaaS using K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI.
The required K2HR3 system configuration is set automatically by K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI.

It is sufficient to have one K2HR3 system in a kubernetes cluster, but you can build multiple K2HR3 systems.

K2HDKC cluster

This is a K2HDKC cluster built and launched by the K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI.
On Compute machie(nodes) in the kubernetes cluster, each node in the K2HDKC cluster is launched as a container.

K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI can be used to create/delete(scale in/out) server nodes and slave nodes of a K2HDKC cluster.
(You can also scale directly using the kubectl command etc.)

K2HDKC slave node

This is the slave nodes(clients) that connect to server nodes in K2HDKC cluster created by K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI.

K2HDKC DBaaS Slave Overview

K2HDKC slave nodes can also be created and deleted using K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI.
And K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI supports automatic configuration for these nodes.

The kubernetes object used to build the K2HDKC slave node is represented as a yaml file.
Users modify this yaml file template used by the K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI and change it to the container they need.

K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI hides the K2HDK cluster configuration from the K2HDKC slave node programs, and these programs eliminate the need to be aware of the server node configuration, reducing the load on developers and operators.

Overview DBaaS CLI Overview Overview Helm Chart