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K2HDKC DBaaS (Database as a Service for K2HDKC) is a Database as a Service that uses K2HR3 and works with OpenStack and kubernetes to build a K2HDKC(K2Hash based Distributed Kvs Cluster) Cluster for distributed KVS.


Yahoo! JAPAN publishes some products as AntPickax as Open Source Software(OSS).
We planned to provide one of them, K2HDKC(K2Hash based Distributed Kvs Cluster) as DBaaS(Database as a Service) so that anyone can easily use it.
And the publicly available K2HR3(K2Hdkc based Resource and Roles and policy Rules) offers enough features to make this happen.
We have built ** DBaaS (Database as a Service)** in conjunction with OpenStack and kubernetes, centering on this K2HR3(K2Hdkc based Resource and Roles and policy Rules).

K2HDKC DBaaS (Database as a Service for K2HDKC) is configured using the following products which is provided by AntPickax.

K2HDKC - K2Hash based Distributed Kvs Cluster

This product is distributed KVS(Key Value Store) clustering system and the core product of K2HDKC DBaaS.

CHMPX - Consistent Hashing Mq inProcess data eXchange

This product is communication middleware over the network for sending binary data and an important component responsible for K2HDKC communication.

K2HR3 - K2Hdkc based Resource and Roles and policy Rules

This is extended RBAC (Role Based Access Control) system, and this system manages the configuration of the K2HDKC cluster as a backend for K2HDKC DBaaS.


There are four types of DBaaS(Database as a Service) provided by “K2HDKC DBaaS** (Database as a Service for K2HDKC) as shown below. We provide two K2HDKC DBaaS types that cooperate with OpenStack and two types that cooperate with kubernetes.

With Trove(Trove is Database as a Service for OpenStack)

This is DBaaS(Database as a Service) using Trove which is a product of OpenStack.
It incorporates K2HDKC (Distributed KVS) as one of Trove’s databases to realize DBaaS(Database as a Service).

K2HDKC DBaaS CLI(Command Line Interface) for OpenStack

If you have an existing OpenStack environment, this K2HDKC DBaaS CLI(Command Line Interface) allows you to implement DBaaS(Database as a Service) without any changes.

K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI(Command Line Interface)

If you are using kubernetes cluster or trial environment such as minikube, this K2HDKC DBaaS on kubernetes CLI(Command Line Interface) allows you to implement DBaaS(Database as a Service) without any changes.

K2HDKC Helm Chart

If you are using kubernetes cluster or trial environment such as minikube, you can install(build) DBaaS(Database as a Service) by using Helm(The package manager for Kubernetes) with K2HDKC Helm Chart.


K2HDKC Helm Chart can also be used as RANCHER Helm Chart and can be registered in the RANCHER repository.
You can easily build up a K2HDKC cluster using RANCHER to K2HDKC Helm Chart.

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