Usage DBaaS with Trove

Build a trial environment

Describes how to build an environment for K2HDKC DBaaS with Trove (Database as a Service for K2HDKC) that works with Trove(Trove is Database as a Service for OpenStack).
This K2HDKC DBaaS with Trove is a system that incorporates K2HDKC as a distributed KVS into one of Trove(Trove is Database as a Service for OpenStack) Databases.

Required systems

To build the K2HDKC DBaaS system environment, OpenStack must be running.
And you need to setup Trove(Trove is Database as a Service for OpenStack) system to that OpenStack system.

The required systems are shown below.

Trove(Trove is Database as a Service for OpenStack) system

You need an environment that prepares OpenStack system and incorporates Trove(Trove is Database as a Service for OpenStack) into it.
And you must patch this Trove with K2HDKC DBaaS repository code.
Then you need to create a Trove guest OS image with the K2HDKC DBaaS repository script and register it in OpenStack as the OS image for the K2HDKC server node.

K2HR3 system

K2HDKC DBaaS works with the K2HR3 system as a backend.
Prepare this K2HR3 system in a network accessible from OpenStack components and instances(Virtual Machine).

Environment conditions

We are testing K2HDKC DBaaS on CentOS 8.2.
And K2HDKC DBaaS uses OpenStack Ussuri.
If you are using any other environment, it may not work.
If you find any problems, please send Issue.

Trial environment

K2HDKC DBaaS can easily build a trial environment by indirectly using OpenStack’s DevStack tool.
Trove is designed to use DevStack, so K2HDKC DBaaS can use DevStack to build a trial environment.

We provide a patch for incorporating K2HDKC DBaaS into Trove and a shell script for building a trial environment which has the K2HR3 system for backend.

Required systems for a trial environment

For K2HDKC DBaaS trial environment, prepare a host machine with a memory of about 16GB and a disk size of about 120GB.
Strictly speaking, probably it also works in a lower performance host environment.
To build a trial environment, please prepare an environment in which DevStack operates.
If the environment to be prepared is a Virtual Machine created with OpenStack, etc., refer to Nested Virtualization etc. to prepare the environment.

Build a trial environment

You can build the K2HDKC DBaaS trial environment by following the steps below.

(1) Clone K2HDKC DBaaS repository

Prepare one host machine(or Virtual Machine) to build a trial environment.
Everything written as <hostname or ip address> in the following explanation means this host.

Clone K2HDKC DBaaS repository to the host that builds the trial environment.

$ git clone

(2) Host environment settings

In the host that builds the trial environment, the controller node of OpenStack including the Trove function is operated.
Prepare the host of the trial environment so that these processes can operate.

$ cd k2hdkc_dbaas/utils
$ ./

When the script execution is complete, the host machine will be restarted automatically.

(3) Build an OpenStack controller node

Start all OpenStack controller nodes including Trove which contains the K2HDKC DBaaS functionality.
During this process, a Trove guest OS image for K2HDKC DBaaS is created and automatically registered as an OS image in Trove and OpenStack.

$ cd k2hdkc_dbaas/utils
$ sudo install -o stack -g stack *.sh -v /opt/stack
$ sudo su - stack
$ ./

After the script completes successfully, all OpenStack controller nodes that incorporate Trove including K2HDKC DBaaS functionality are up.

You can verify all OpenStack controller node startup by accessing the Dashboard(which has a built-in Trove panel).

URL: http://<hostname or ip address>/

At this step, K2HDKC DBaaS will not work because we have not yet built the K2HR3 system.

(4) Build K2HR3 system

Finally, build the K2HR3 system that is used as the backend for K2HDKC DBaaS.
K2HR3 system is built to work in one instance(Virtual Machine) of OpenStack built above(3).

$ sudo su - stack
$ ./

This script will ask you for a hostname or IP address to access with a browser along the way.
If you want to use a value different from the displayed hostname or IP address, you can correct it with this confirmation.

After the script completes successfully, you can access the K2HR3 Web Application via the host machine that built the trial environment.

URL: http://<hostname or ip address>:28080/

(5) Verification

If you can successfully access the Trove Dashboard shown in (3) and the K2HR3 Web Application shown in (4), the trial environment has been successfully built.
How to use K2HDKC DBaaS will be explained in the next chapter.

Usage DBaaS with Trove